TotalLab and Merck Collaborate to Automate 2D Gel Electrophoresis

TotalLab and Merck Collaboration Streamlines 2D Gel Electrophoresis
By combining our industry leading SameSpots and SpotMap software with their Auto2D hardware, Merck have been able to rapidly reduce the time taken for complete 2D based experiments including proteomic/HCP analysis. This combination increases throughput by introducing high levels of automation whilst simultaneously reducing inter-operator variability.
“Expanding on many of the benefits of the Auto2D® device, our collaboration with TotalLab and the coupling of their SameSpots and SpotMap software in the Auto2D® downstream workflow further enhances the previously mentioned benefits. Requiring minimal parameter setting adjustments, TotalLab software reliably demonstrates high reproducibility of spot detection when coupled with the Auto2D® device.”