Bacterial Colony and Cell Counting Software | Phoretix Colony Counter

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Automated bacterial colony, cell or particulate counting software

Phoretix Colony Counter is the latest evolution of our colony and cell counting image analysis software and has been developed in line with industry needs and feedback to deliver the highest-quality data in the shortest amount of time with the lowest inter-operator variation possible.

It offers users:

  • Speed. Automate your colony, cell or particulate counting and get results in less than a minute per image.
  • Objectivity. Unmatched automation reduces the need for manual intervention and minimizes inter-operator variability.
  • Reproducibility. Consistent analysis results between different users, labs and different imaging devices.
  • Quantitation. Enables reliable, accurate quantitation of colonies, cells or particulates
  • 21 CFR or GMP-compliance. When combined with our AuditSafe software, allows users to meet and even exceed FDA 21 CFR part 11/EudraLex Annex 11/GAMP5 standards for compliance within regulated or QC environments, from captured image all the way through to final analysis and report production.

It is ideal for the quantitative analysis of:

  • Bacterial colonies
  • Cell number
  • Particulate number

Our software is device agnostic, so can help to reduce costs as it can be used with all your existing laboratory equipment regardless of brand and allow you to simplify your workflow by only having to train operators in one piece of software. This is especially important in labs requiring 21 CFR/GxP compliance as it drastically reduces inter-operator variation in analysis.

It’s also compatible with all industry-standard image formats (.tif, .tiff, .gel, .img, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp and .png) and is compatible with the latest versions of both Windows and macOS operating systems (11 and Monterey).

Colony Counting Software

Intuitive Colony + Cell Detection and Counting

Phoretix Colony Counter supports both automatic colony and cell detection and manual colony counting features if desired within your workflow. Multiwell plates are also fully supported with fully user customizable areas of detection and detection sensitivity settings that can be unique to each well or even different areas within the same well or plate.

Unlike other software, we impose no limitations on to the number of detection or sample areas that can be counted – the only limitation is the power of the computer the software is being used on. This gives a much more flexible approach to cell or colony counting allowing users much more freedom in defining areas for counting and supporting non-traditional workflows.

As with all our software, Phoretix Colony Counter has been designed with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface to minimize the time required to train new operators and inter-operator variability. Our simplified workflow guides the user through their analysis whilst leaving a large, central viewing area of the image and data being analyzed.

If you’d like a demo to see just how easy it is to use, please get in touch.

Multiwell Colony Counter

All Platforms, One Dedicated Software

Instrument and Operating system agnostic colony counting software allows you to use data generated on all major commercially available imaging devices and microscopes to quickly detect, quantify and count bacterial colonies. A clean, clear user interface provides intuitive access to the data analysis tools you need to perform your work your science and not be frustrated by software.

Click and Count

The automatic colony detection and counting features built into Phoretix Colony Counter are designed to save users time and reduce inter-operator variability, however we appreciate that some of our customers want to a take a more classic, manual approach to colony counting whilst still retaining 21 CFR/GMP-compliance and the ease of use our software provides.

Phoretix Colony Counter software fully supports a simple “Click and Count” mode to make manual cell or colony counting as quick and easy as possible.


Click and Count Colony Counter

Easily Export Your Data

In Phoretix Colony Counter , we put your data front and centre and allow you to view it, and how it changes in real-time, alongside your image view at all times.

From here, your data can be easily exported in .CSV file format, copied directly to your clipboard for immediate pasting into another piece of software or exported as a more formal .PDF report for inclusion into almost all ELN and LIMS.

SDS-PAGE Western Blot Export to Excel/CSV

Also built directly into Phoretix Colony Counter is the functionality to export your images directly for publication or presentations in .jpeg, .png or .bmp file formats:

export SDS-PAGE presentation image

Your analyzed data is always readily and easily accessible and able to be shared across multiple programs in industry standard file formats.

21 CFR Part 11 and GMP/GMP-compliant 

Phoretix Colony Counter, along with all TotalLab software, can be integrated into our 21 CFR Part 11/GMP-compliant AuditSafe software to generate a full audit trail with electronic signatures during analysis for use in regulated industry environments where data traceability, accountability, and integrity are critical.

AuditSafe restricts software and data access through secure user sign-ins, granular permissions, audit logs, electronic signatures and image authenticity checks. Click here to find out more.

21 cfr compliant colony counter

Get in touch to trial Phoretix Colony Counter