Let us support your life science needs

Optimising your use of our software… top tips

Do you have a question on how to use one of our products? Contact the team directly, on the form below, we’re always happy to answer questions and help our customers get the most out of our software. And we aim to provide a prompt reply.

But, before you do ask us please do take a look at our FAQ and Resources page as we may already have the answer for you!

Still have a question? Get in touch with the team >

Are you looking for training or technical support?

If you have a new team member joining or maybe you’re new to our software, we can offer training and resource sharing.

We also provide advice on best practice when undertaking analysis with our software. Perhaps you’re looking for guidance on getting publication perfect images or guidance additional analytical features?

Software trials are also available across our product range to help you find the best solution for your laboratory needs.

To find out more, please get in touch.




Which products can I get technical and analytical support for?

As of February 2023 we offer technical and analytical support for the following products:

CLIQS 1D ProV1.0+Windows 10
SpotMapV3.0+Windows 10
SameSpotsV4.6+Windows 10

Have a support question?

If you have a support question on using our software either as a customer or a trial user please use the below form to explain your question. We aim to provide a timely response and an initial response within 24 hours. If you’re a customer and your request is urgent please get in touch directly using the contact details you would have been provided with.


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